World Mental Health Day

Today is world mental health day and the theme for 2022 set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is “Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for All a Global Priority”

So where do we start?

The extent to which most of us have an impact on global priorities tends to be fairly limited, we do however have influence closer to home, over our own mental health and wellbeing and the extent to which we prioritise this.

There has been a lot of focus in recent years on the importance of being kind to others, and rightly so. Of equal importance, however, is kindness to ourselves. When seeking to prioritise our own mental wellbeing we must first acknowledge that it is important, that we are important, and that looking after ourselves is not about being selfish or indulgent but rather about meeting our own needs.

In a world that can be loud and busy and where time is often short choosing to slow down, to reflect, to allocate time for ourselves can feel difficult, even impossible at times. When we do not take this time, however, we run the risk of failing to notice how we are doing, if we’re ok, when we are not and what we might need in order to look after ourselves better. We can forget to prioritise mental and health and wellbeing for one, let alone for all.

Self care will look different from one person to another, and even for individuals it is likely to change from one time to another. It may be a relaxing bath and a good book, it could be an hour spent working through personal admin and finances, perhaps it is turning down an appealing social event because you do not have the emotional, physical or mental reserves to attend.

Key to knowing what we need is establishing a healthy pattern of checking in with ourselves and being open to meeting our own needs. This helps us to recognise when we need to add something; an exercise class, and when we might need to cut back; managing our personal and professional commitments.

The more we practice and prioritise self awareness and self care the better able we are likely to be to offer kindness and support to others. Helping to contribute through our actions as well as our words to a wider prioritising of mental health and wellbeing for all.

So what next?

Check out these 6 tips to help you feel happier, more in control, and able to cope better with life’s ups and downs:

How to feel happier | NHS inform

For further information and support, have a browse through the Mind website where they have information on the various types of mental health challenges, managing your mental health in your day-to-day life, finding support, and much more:

Information & Support – Mind

If you feel you need to speak to a registered professional, have a look through the BACP counsellor directory, or get in touch with us to make an appointment with Aine.

Call us on: 0161 676 0341
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