Wellbeing & Rehab Co

How much do I have to exercise a week?

The recommended weekly physical activity includes:

– a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise)

– and a minimum of 2 strength training sessions.

Living up to the UK Physical Activity Guidelines might seem like a daunting task, but integrating regular exercise into your daily routine is entirely achievable. With a little planning and creativity, meeting the recommended 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise and incorporating strength training sessions can be both enjoyable and rewarding.

Benefits of regular exercise:

  • It helps to manage weight
  • It boosts energy and mood
  • It improves your brain health
  • It improves your quality of sleep
  • It strengthens your muscles and bones
  • It can boost self esteem
  • It reduces the risk of stress and low mood.
  • It’s social! Have fun while you exercise.


How can we achieve or physical activity goals?

Here are a few examples of different activities you could include in your exercise routine to meet the recommendations:

Moderate (150 mins / week)

Vigorous (75 mins / week)

Brisk walk


Dancing (like nobody’s watching)


Water aerobics

Riding a bike fast or on hills

Slow swimming

Walking up the stairs

Slow cycling

Sports, like football, rugby, netball and hockey



Cleaning (mopping the floor, hoovering)



But what about 10,000 steps per day?

In addition to regular aerobic and strength-based exercise, it is important to stay active each day. Walking is the easiest way to maintain your activity levels and has many health benefits. It increases blood flow and boosts circulation, which can support muscle recovery and improve general wellbeing. Try to aim for 10,000 steps a day!  This is the real secret of staying active and achieving your health goals.

Tips of how to achieve 10,000 steps a day:

  • Take the stairs instead of the lift
  • Walk to the shop to do your shopping
  • If driving, park further down in the car park to walk more.
  • Walk to work and/or walk the kids to school
  • If working from home, walk before work and after work as ‘part of your commute’.
  • Go for a quick, brisk walk during lunch time before having lunch.
  • Take the stairs instead of taking the lift (up and down!)
  • Walk, walk, walk. It could be a nice little routine of going for a walk for fresh air to release stress. Walk with your friends or your partner. Sometimes the best chats happen while walking.


Strength Training: At Least 2 Sessions Weekly

Here are a few tips you could try to meet the weekly strength training guidelines:

  • Bodyweight Exercises: Set aside time twice a week for bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks. You don’t need any special equipment for these and can easily do them at home.
  • Resistance Bands: Invest in a set of resistance bands for your home workouts. They are versatile, easy to use, and perfect for strength training exercises targeting various muscle groups.
  • Strength training at the WRC: If you prefer a structured approach, consider coming to our Be Strong classes or a one-to-one strength training session. We provide access to weights and strength-training equipment, along with the guidance of trainers to help you develop a tailored strength-training programme.


Combining the Efforts for Optimal Results

Mixing aerobic exercises and strength training sessions throughout the week is the ideal way to meet the guidelines. For instance, you might choose to have three 30-minute aerobic sessions and two strength training sessions. Adapt this to your schedule and preferences, ensuring that you maintain a balance and enjoy the process.

If you need help with your exercise routine please feel free to get in touch. We provide one-to-one strength training sessions where we focus on your individual goals. We also run Strength Training classes (BE Strong) where you can strength train as part of a friendly, small group.   Have a look at the timetable on the website: https://wellbeing-rehab.co.uk/booking-a-class

Call us on: 0161 676 0341
Email us at: info@wellbeing-rehab.co.uk

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